Renovating the mechanics of your metabolismObesity is one of the most common health problems in today’s world and also the source of many other high risk problems such as angina, diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart failure, gout, etc. Extensive research has already been performed on obesity in modern medicine and many pills have been invented, but their results are generally temporary. Even physical workouts and dieting can do very little to help if one does not understanding the underlying reason for the excessive weight (or low weight).The real reasons

According to Ayurveda, being overweight or underweight is due to an imbalance in the 3 Doshas (the bodily humors that make up one’s constitution): Vata, Pitt and Kapha. An imbalance can occur regardless of how much or how little food you eat. Improper digestion or improper metabolism due to excessive Kapha and Ama (waste) is at the root of the problem. When Kapha is imbalanced, the heavy characteristics of the Earth and Water elements become exaggerated. However, obesity can also be found in Vata and Pitta dominant people. These types can suffer from poor digestion if their digestive fire is too low. As a result, food is not processed properly, which can result in weight gain or obesity. But in general, Vata types are underweight rather than overweight because their bodies have trouble absorbing nutrients. Weight gain results when they attempt to eat more sweet and oily foods to calm their Vata imbalance.

How does it work?

The Ayurvedic approach to achieving your ideal weight is based on taking a realistic look at your body type and restoring the entire digestive and metabolic processes. A low calorie diet and regular yoga is also essential throughout this process.

What can be done?

At Ayurveda Yoga Villa we have a multidimensional approach to weight management. First our doctors will diagnose your Prakriti (body type) and your Dosha imbalances. Then, they will prescribe the proper herbs, therapies and massages to reduce fat cells in the body and promote proper metabolism. Two yoga sessions per day, along with Pranayama (breathing exercises) and brisk walks in the surrounding countryside, can burn extra calories and rid your body of muscular tension and the feeling of heaviness. Meditation and mantras can also help to calm your mind.

How many days?

Minimum 2 weeks, and for better results 3 to 4 weeks, depending on your present condition and your expectations.

Ayurvedic Treatments:

  • Abyangam: A massage with a specific combination of oils and herbs to release muscle and joint stiffness and improve blood circulation and elimination.
  • Kizhi: Boluses filled with herbal leaves or powders are applied to the whole or part of the body in a specific manner, after being dipped in warm medicated oil.
  • Elakizhi: A massage with special herbal powder to detoxify and nourish all the cells of the body.
  • Swedana: Opening the pores of the skin through steam and warm herbal oils.
  • Udvarthanam: A massage with special herbal powder to burn excess fat.
  • Oral Herbal Medication: To convert excessive fat into energy and for improved metabolism.
  • Ayurvedic Diet: Low calorie food with lots of fruits and juices.

The above mentioned treatment plan is the general Stress Management Therapy for a normal healthy person. However, our doctor will have to check your past medical history and diagnose your present health condition before finalizing the treatment plan that is right for you.

Single Occupent $ 995 – $ 1200 $ 1895 – $ 2200 $ 2795 – $ 2998 $ 3550 – $ 3998
Double Occupent $ 1895 – $ 2200 $ 3100 – $ 3895 $ 5550 – $ 5850 $ 6000 – $ 6500
Single Occupent $ 998 – $ 1250 $ 1995 – $ 2250 $ 2895 – $ 3100 $ 3750 – $ 4100
Double Occupent $ 1995 – $ 2250 $ 3200 – $ 3995 $ 5650 – $ 5950 $ 6200 – $ 6700
Single Occupent $ 895 – $ 1050 $ 1795 – $ 2000 $ 2595 – $ 2798 $ 3150 – $ 3450
Double Occupent $ 1695 – $ 1950 $ 2950- $ 3450 $ 4950 – $ 5250 $ 5500- $ 5850
Single Occupent $ 995 – $ 1200 $ 1895 – $ 2200 $ 2795 – $ 2998 $ 3550 – $ 3998
Double Occupent $ 1895 – $ 2200 $ 3100 – $ 3895 $ 5550 – $ 5850 $ 6000 – $ 6500

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